Dr. Jennifer McGowan, Research Associate at the Center for Biodiversity and Global Change at Yale University issued a discussion paper with colleagues from Boston University highlighting how setting objectives will be key to helping the Biden Administration deliver on their ambitious target to conserve 30% of the United States’ lands and waters by 2030. The working paper, picked up by Science News, examines trade-offs among four goals laid out in the Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice: meeting 30% goals as cost-effectively as possible, protecting climate-resilient landscapes, protecting species, and curbing carbon loss from habitat conversion.
The paper was drafted in response to President Biden signing the Executive Order entitled Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, which re-establishes the United States as a champion for biodiversity and climate policy. The researchers encourage the development of a science-based framework with clear, quantifiable objectives and performance metrics in order to deliver on Biden’s ‘30x30’ commitment for the next decade of US conservation investments.
To read the article in Science Magazine, click here
To read the discussion paper, click here