Areas of Interest

My research program explores a broad range of questions in avian ecology, evolution, behavior, biogeography, and conservation. Recent lines of inquiry include migration ecology, urban ecology, environmental pollution, temperature extremes, and island biogeography. A central objective of my work is to document the broad-scale patterns and drivers of seasonal bird distributions, with a special focus on the implications of global environmental change for migratory bird populations.
Hiking, kayaking, skiing
La Sorte FA, B Zuckerberg, CA Lepczyk, MFJ Aronson, KG Horton. 2023. Biomass burning in the Neotropics is exposing migrating birds to elevated fine particulate matter concentrations. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
La Sorte FA, JAG Clark, CA Lepczyk, MFJ Aronson. 2023. Collections of small urban parks consistently support higher species richness but not higher phylogenetic or functional diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
La Sorte FA, CA Lepczyk, MFJ Aronson. 2022. Light pollution enhances ground-level exposure to airborne toxic chemicals for nocturnally migrating passerines. Global Change Biology.
La Sorte FA, M Somveille, AM Dokter, ET Miller. 2022. Seasonal species richness of birds on the world's islands and its geographical correlates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
La Sorte FA, KG Horton, A Johnston, D Fink, T Auer. 2022. Seasonal associations with light pollution trends for nocturnally migrating bird populations. Ecosphere.
La Sorte FA, A Johnston, AD Rodewald, D Fink, A Farnsworth, BM Van Doren, T Auer, M Strimas-Mackey. 2022. The role of artificial light at night and road density in predicting the seasonal occurrence of nocturnally migrating birds. Diversity and Distributions.
La Sorte FA, MFJ Aronson, CA Lepczyk, KG Horton. 2022. Assessing the combined threats of artificial light at night and air pollution for the world’s nocturnally migrating birds. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
La Sorte FA, A Johnston, TR Ault. 2021. Global trends in the frequency and duration of temperature extremes. Climatic Change.
La Sorte FA, CH Graham. 2020. Phenological synchronization of seasonal bird migration with vegetation greenness across dietary guilds. Journal of Animal Ecology.
La Sorte FA, M Somveille. 2020. The island biogeography of the eBird citizen-science programme. Journal of Biogeography.