Muyang Lu, PhD
Areas of Interest

I study macroecology, with a strong focus on ecological theories and novel quantitative tools. I have worked on a variety of topics, from island biogeography theory, meta-community models, to niche modeling, species distribution models and climate change impacts on biodiversity. Recently, I have been working on how to model species environmental niche across spatial and organismal scales, and its implications for climate-driven extinction risks.
Historical reading, soccer
Lu, M. & Jetz, W. (2023). Scale-sensitivity in the measurement and interpretation of environmental niches. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 38, 554–567. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2023.01.003
Lu, M. (2021). Complex relationships between beta diversity and dispersal in meta‐community models. Ecography, 44(12), 1769–1780. doi: 10.1111/ecog.05937
Lu, M., Winner K, & Jetz W. (2021). A unifying framework for quantifying and comparing n‐dimensional hypervolumes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(10), 1953–1968. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13665
Lu, M., Vasseur, D., Jetz, W. (2019) Beta diversity patterns derived from island biogeography theory. The American Naturalist 194, E52–E65. doi: 10.1086/704181