Space station backflip reveals great views of the ICARUS antenna

Recent photos posted via NASA Johnson’s Flickr account show off great views of the ICARUS antenna on the International Space Station.
ICARUS stands for International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space. Scientists taking part in the ICARUS Initiative are working together to develop a satellite-based system to observe small animals such as birds, bats and turtles.

Scientists want to use ICARUS to find out more about the life of animals on earth: the migratory routes they take and their living conditions. These findings will aid behavioural research, species protection and research into the paths taken in the spread of infectious diseases. The information should even help to predict ecological changes and natural disasters.
Read more about the ICARUS Initiative here: https://www.icarus.mpg.de/28056/about-icarus
View all the photos here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasa2explore/51814542959/in/photostream/