Diego Ellis Soto, a PhD candidate working with the Yale BGC Center, was recently featured in a New York Times article reviewing children’s books that offer hope for the environment. His research analyzing how Galápagos giant tortoises disperse both native and invasive plant seeds was included in Kate Messner’s book Tracking Tortoises: The Mission to Save a Galápagos Giant. The book details Kate’s, and her son Jake’s, experience shadowing researchers in the Galápagos as they study the reptiles, and includes QR codes that link to online videos and maps, as well as the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior’s Movebank platform. Helen Scales, penning the article for the New York Times, says the book “opens doors to understanding the challenging times in which we live, the difficult choices we face and how we can go about building a more hopeful future”.
Read the full New York Times article here: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/29/books/review/sea-lions-in-the-parking-lot-lenora-todaro-annika-siems-tracking-tortoises-kate-messner.html